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The german words that have travelled around the world

Even if German is considered difficult to learn, it is still an international language. And while it is not necessarily one of the most melodious languages in the world, many German words have found their way into the language of other countries. Language enthusiasts will find interesting details in a very special book.

Language enthusiasts, travellers, emigrants, remote workers, and expats all have one thing in common: abroad, they all will encounter a language that will be more or less foreign to them. And they have to communicate. Everyone abroad who wants to communicate with people that don’t come from their own country will have to deal with the local language.

And while many languages around the world are based on the regions where they are spoken, there are some languages that have borrowed words from other languages or cultures. For example, the German language has borrowed many words from English, which are known as Anglicisms. However, other countries are more focused on preserving their own language and culture and are less likely to borrow words from other languages.

Despite this, there are still many German terms that are used in other countries, suggesting that the influence of the German language has spread beyond its borders.

Words from kindergarten to supkar

In his book "Ausgewanderte Wörter - Von Deutschland in die ganze Welt", Matthis Heine has published an overview of words that have made it far beyond Germany's borders.

The book is focused on highlighting the similarities and differences between words used in different countries and cultures. The author provides extensive information on the origin, terminology, and usage of these words in different fields.

The passage gives a few examples of what readers can expect to learn from the book. For instance, the word “Kindergarten” is used in America, as many people know, but it also mentions the German word "besserwisser," which means a know-it-all, and explains where this word is used. It also talks about the Polish word "fajerwerki," which means fireworks, and provides some context for its usage. Additionally, the book mentions the

Japanese word "kuranke," which means a sick person, and explains how this term came to be used in Japanese.

The book is described as containing 80 informative stories, and it has been illustrated by Julia Grämlich. The passage emphasizes that the book is a handy resource for anyone interested in exploring the similarities and differences between words used in different countries and cultures.

This article is from the 1/2023 issue of the magazine "Life Abroad".

The magazine is published four times a year free of charge with many informative articles on foreign topics.

It is published by the BDAE, the expert for protection abroad.