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Expat Infinity

Lifelong international health insurance valid worldwide with flexible options.

Awarded by F.A.Z. Institut - 25 years BDAE
Photo: © Dudarev Mikhail, Adobe Stock
Lifelong Eligibility for Insurance Coverage
Lifelong Eligibility for Insurance Coverage
Great Fairness Based on Individualisation
Great Fairness Based on Individualisation
Auslandskrankenversicherung mit versicherbaren Vorerkrankungen
Previous Diseases Insurable

Are you an expat, digital nomad or globetrotter seeking lifelong health insurance cover for you and your family which is valid worldwide and can be configured in a multitude of different ways to meet precisely your needs? EXPAT INFINITY lets you choose how high your deductible is. You can integrate pre-existing conditions in your insurance cover by adding a risk premium. Persons up to 75 years of age are eligible to take out a policy, which means pensioners can also benefit from high-quality insurance cover.

As the only international health insurance provider in Germany, the BDAE Group’s EXPAT INFINITY also offers the possibility of prospective entitlement. Everybody who has not yet definitely decided whether he or she really wants to stay abroad in the long run or whether he or she might have the wish to stay in Germany for a while from time to time, will now, with EXPAT INFINITY, be able to “put off” his or her examined state of health. Sometime in future, when the prospective entitlement is changed to become the EXPAT INFINITY active insurance coverage, this status will not be queried again.

There are infinite reasons to choose EXPAT INFINITY

Here are three of them:

  • Mr. Schmidt cares for his wife – and the future

    52-year-old Hannes Schmidt is a graduate engineer living in South Korea. He has been deployed there by his company, a German engineering company. Originally, he was supposed to stay there for only three years. But by now, he has been living here for 20 years already. His current international health insurance will only be valid until he is 65 years old. Usually, the insurance covers his South Korean wife as well. But every time the couple is visiting family in Germany, Mr. Schmidt has to take out a separate insurance.

    For Mr. Schmidt, EXPAT INFINITY is the ideal global health insurance: Our insurance will cover him for the rest of his life. Maybe one day he will take a trip to Germany, not sure whether he wants to spend retirement in South Korea. In this case, Mr. Schmidt will have the option to put his EXPAT INFINITY insurance “on hold” via our abeyance option. As soon as he wants, he can simply re-enter the insurance – all previous conditions will still apply. Whenever he visits his old home country Germany, his wife will automatically be co-insured.

  • Lara and Moritz want a baby

    Lara and Moritz want to discover the world – by traveling as digital nomads, not bound to any place. Right now, they don’t want to bother about when this lifestyle will come to its end. They don’t even know if they even will ever return home at all. Still, one thing they know for sure: Lara and Moritz want to become parents.

    For Lara and Moritz, EXPAT INFINITY is the ideal global health insurance: Our insurance service will cover them for as long as they would like – and even indefinitely! Under the PREMIUM option, we will of course also cover both pregnancy and delivery. If necessary, we will even absorb the costs for infertility treatment, should that be necessary.

  • The Müller family moves abroad – with pre-existing conditions

    The Müllers, a family of four, is planning on starting a new life on the Canary Islands. Suffering from a pre-existing medical condition, Mr. Müller has been a wheelchair user for some time. The Canary Islands are working wonders on him though: The mild climate there is soothing his pain.

    For the Müllers, EXPAT INFINITY is the ideal global health insurance: BDAE will cover Mr. Müller’s pre-existing condition as well – providing an individually calculated risk markup. Despite that, the insurance will still be affordable. And: Important medical exams for the children, travel vaccination as well as dentures or orthodontic measures are covered, too!

F.A.Z. - Institut - Excellent customer loyalty | 2022 and 25 years BDAE

The BDAE advantage

  • You can enter into our insurance contracts from abroad.
  • You can always count on BDAE experts for support. No being stuck with a call-center agent.
  • You will always be covered by our insurance – even during a pandemic.
  • You can count on our insurance services – regardless of your occupation. There are special features in the case of professional participation in competitions.
  • Your international medical insurances will also include patient legal protection.
  • You’re planning a trip home? Our insurances will even cover your stay in your home country!

Foto: ©

Benefits and variants

Expat Infinity
Expat Infinity
Expat Infinity
Outpatient Medical Treatments -
100 %
up to 15,000 Euro per insurance year
100 %
No limit per insurance year
Inpatient Medical Treatments

100 %
Outside Germany:

Accommodation as private patient in a double bedroom

Inside Germany:

In the general care class

100 %
Outside Germany:
Accommodation as private patient in a double bedroom
Inside Germany:
In the general care class

100 %
Accommodation as private patient in a single room.
Accommodation of one parent for inpatient treatment of insured children.

Pharmaceutical Products, Bandages and Remedies
Within the framework of inpatient medical treatment
100 %

100 %

Dental Treatments -
100 %
100 %
Inlays and onlays covered as dental replacement treatment
Tooth Replacement/Orthodontic Treatment - -
90 %
up to 4,000 euros per year
Preventive Medical Checkups -
100 %
Preventive medical check-ups for children and cancer screening;
100 %
Preventive medical check-ups for children and cancer screening;
Check-ups up to 300 euros per year
Vaccinations -
general vaccinations 100 %

General vaccinations 100%, travel vaccinations up to 250 euros per year.

general vaccinations, inclusive of travel vaccinations up to 600 euros per year

Covid 19 Vaccination - -
Pregnancy and Delivery - -
100 %
Infertility Treatments - -
up to 60 %
but in no case more than 6,000 Euro per couple
Aids and Appliances -
80 %
up to 1,000 euros per year
80 %
up to 2,000 euros per year
Visual Aids -
50 Euro per year
eye tests included
600 euros every three years
eye tests included
Eye Lasering - -
up to 2,500 euros per eye and per contract term
Psychotherapy - -
80 % for outpatient treatments, up to 2,000 euros per year;
for inpatient treatments, up to 30 days per contract term
Patient Transports/Return Transports/Transfers
Patient transport 100%, return transport and transfer in case of death up to a maximum amount of 5,000 Euro (intercontinental) and 10,000 Euro (cross-continental)
Patient transport 100%, return transport and transfer in case of death up to a maximum amount of 5,000 Euro (intercontinental) and 10,000 Euro (cross-continental)
Patient transport 100%, return transport and transfer in case of death up to a maximum amount of 5,000 Euro (intercontinental) and 10,000 Euro (cross-continental)
Follow-Up Liability -
Congenital Medical Conditions
Coverage via risk markups possible
Coverage via risk markups possible
Coverage via risk markups possible
Legal Expenses Insurance for Patients
Medical Assistance
Maximum Annual Amount
1,000,000 Euro

The comparison table provides you with a general overview regarding the volume of insurance benefits. It does not replace the insurance terms and conditions of individual products. The scope of benefits as well as the benefits covered vary from product to product and are dependent on the product variant selected. For more information, hover over any of the information icons or select the more detailed view. Complete information can be found in parts I and II of the Terms and Conditions of Insurance.

Product Information

General Contract Terms and Conditions

  • Insurance coverage for private individuals
  • The maximum age for being eligible in this respect shall be 75 years
  • Termination with one month’s notice with effect from the end of the insurance year

Icon Länderzonen

Country Zones and Age Groups

Due to the fact that, on an international level, costs for medical treatments vary from country to country and the average claims ratio of a group of insured persons increases with age, the EXPAT INFINITY product provides for four country zones and insurance premium rates split by age groups. This allows us to offer our customers the utmost level of fairness with respect to the amount of insurance premiums in accordance with their living conditions.

Icon Deductible


The options available with respect to the amount of the deductible shall be EUR 0, EUR 250, EUR 500 and EUR 1,000 per Insured Person and insurance year.

Icon Risk Markups

Risk Markups

In the event of particularly severe previous illnesses or chronical diseases, private insurers are frequently not in a position to offer coverage to the applicant concerned. In order to provide coverage for customers with pre-existing diseases, BDAE introduced risk markups for the EXPAT INFINITY product. Such markups will be added to the insurance premium and differ depending on the state of health. In some individual cases, however, the risk surcharge may be so high that unfortunately an insurance offer cannot be made.

Not included in insurance cover

Openness and transparency are values the BDAE Group promotes in its daily business. These values are a precondition for trust. Therefore you will find the most important benefits and exclusions of our insurance cover on the right side.

  • Treatments based on infirmity and a need for care or custody
  • Treatments of mental or psychological disorder and diseases, psychosomatic treatments like hypnosis and autogenic training as well as suicide attempts and their consequences
  • Immunisation measures
  • Withdrawal treatments inclusive of withdrawal cures and treatments of a dependency syndrome
  • In the case of professional participation in competitions, a separate risk assessment is carried out.
  • In some individual cases, however, the risk surcharge may be so high that unfortunately an insurance offer cannot be made

Please refer to the Terms and Conditions Part I and II for an elaborate list of exclusions.

Does lifelong also mean that I am still covered even if I need long-term care?

This depends on the specific circumstances of the individual case and always requires a case-by-case assessment. As a rule, health insurance abroad does not cover care that can be specifically attributed to the need for care or if an insured person is staying in a care facility.

Health insurance abroad serves the therapeutic restoration of health and not the provision of nursing care. Thus, according to the terms and conditions of the contract, we must terminate the insurance if such a permanent case of long-term care occurs and cannot provide any benefits for it.

In Germany, long-term care insurance follows the health insurance system. This means that compulsory long-term care insurance is always included in the statutory health insurance (GKV) and people who take out private health insurance must also take out private long-term care insurance. If you need long-term care in Germany, the long-term care insurance automatically kicks in.

The BDAE does not offer long-term care insurance for people living abroad, so we cannot cover the risk of needing long-term care. Since Germany was very progressive and far-sighted in terms of long-term care insurance, but only a few countries worldwide have followed this example and offer long-term care insurance, unfortunately, to our knowledge, there are no alternatives for private solutions locally in the respective country of residence.

The statutory health insurances at least offer the possibility to put the health and long-term care insurance on hold (so-called qualifying period), so that waiting periods are maintained. With private providers, however, only health insurance, not long-term care insurance, can be put on probation. If you want to be on the safe side, you should continue to pay contributions to long-term care insurance.

What is the difference between Expat Infinity Basic and the Classic/Premium variant?

The Basic variant of the EXPAT INFINITY international health insurance, which can be taken out lifelong, is a basic cover that includes inpatient treatment and also covers, for example, repatriation. The Classic and Premium variants are more comprehensive products that also include, for example, outpatient medical treatment and other benefits (dentures, preventive check-ups, etc.).

What does the annual maximum amount in Expat Infinity Basic mean?

The annual maximum amount is the sum of all costs covered in total per insurance year. Any bills exceeding this sum must be paid by the insured person himself. In the Classic and Premium product variants of the lifelong EXPAT INFINITY international health insurance, there is no limit to the maximum annual amount.