Insurance solutions from the specialist
For 25 years, the BDAE Group has been putting all its energy into services to improve your life when living and working abroad. As a solution provider, we offer insurance protection and global mobility services for our customers.
Our experience has made us a well-recognised and reliable specialist in the field. Together with our parent company MSH, we serve more than 400,000 expats in 194 countries.
Continue to go abroad safely
Many insured persons are currently asking themselves whether they have sufficient insurance cover and whether medical care is guaranteed in their country of residence. Many of those affected have even lost their foreign health insurance in the course of the corona pandemic and due to the risk-averse approach of some market participants – and are currently stranded abroad without cover.
We are there for these people, as well as many others! BDAE continues to offer its customers its insurance services – in full capacity and worldwide! Our insurance conditions apply independently of the travel warnings of the German Foreign Office. Likewise, the pandemic status of the countries travelled to is of no importance to us. We won't leave you out in the rain – just like in the past 25 years!
All BDAE services also apply during the Corona pandemic:
- We also insure people in the long term. An insurance period of 5 years and longer is possible, in Expat Infinity even for lifetime.
- The insurance cover also applies abroad for travel warnings.
- Our customers who live abroad can return to their country of residence.
- A test for infection with the coronavirus is paid by us if medically necessary and if ordered by a doctor.
- If an inpatient quarantine is ordered by the attending physician, we will also cover all costs incurred for medical treatment.
- In the case of corona disease, we ensure the best possible care. If you are staying in a country where adequate medical care is not guaranteed in the event of a corona infection, we will arrange transport to the nearest hospital where sufficient medical care is guaranteed.
International health insurance
The BDAE Group offers a wide range of international health insurance products. This includes insurance policies for short and long-term stays abroad – in different benefit variants and with individual design options.
Full health insurance cover for expats and immigrants. - EXPAT PRIVATE PREMIUM
Full health insurance cover for demanding expats and immigrants. - EXPAT FLEXIBLE
Affordable alternative or a supplement to existing public and/or private health insurance covers. - EXPAT GERMANY
Affordable health insurance cover for foreigners on a mid- and short-term-trip in Germany. - all foreign health insurances at a glance
International health insurance for world travellers
- Full service: 24-hour emergency number
- can also be taken out from abroad
- Additional services: worldwide patient legal protection
- Ideal: also valid in the home country
Feel free to contact us:
BDAE Group:
Because we care!
The BDAE Group supports private individuals, expatriates and internationally active companies in matters of global social security and offers a holistic concept that takes the needs of its customers into account.
Since summer 2017, the BDAE Group has been a subsidiary of MSH International, a global group that is a world leader in the development and design of international healthcare solutions. Together with MSH, we look after more than 400,000 expats in 194 countries.